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About our Home

  The Thirty8 Heritage House is one of the 33 listed buildings in Chania Town. It was built to become the Residence of the Hüseyin Pasha Gompaki in 1844 during the Ottoman Era. At the time, the city of Chania was expanding outside the Venetian Walls and beyond the Gate Sabionera. During World War II, the house was used as the Kommandatur by the occupying German forces. On the 23rd of May of 1945, the treatise was signed here between the Germans and the Allied forces for the liberation of the island. The recent years the house was used by my family as a summer residence. 

  The house's renovation is designed by our studio in Athens, A.S.Koutrouvelis Architects. We preserved the original features of the house and its original layout by keeping the modern interventions for the necessary amenities to the minimum. Our main goal is to create spaces where you’ll experience the juxtaposition between an authentic listed building and a contemporary design.

  We hope that you’ll enjoy your stay as much as we enjoy designing it for you!


This is simply one-of-a-kind and like nothing I’ve ever seen before. If you're in search of an authentic experience that reflects the taste of the property’s owner this is the right place to be.

Anthony El Khoury

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